
Thank you for partnering with us!

Amber Church Inc is a nonprofit organization with charitable status, therefore your donation is eligible for charitable tax credit. There are several ways to give, see below how. Your offering is greatly appreciated! 

Giving by cheque

Issue your cheque to Amber Church Inc and give it in person during our worship service, or mail it to our treasury address at 1003-33 Hargrave St. Winnipeg, MB R3C 3T9.


Giving online using interact e-transfer

 Transfer your offering to the email using your internet banking.

Giving online using PayPal, debit or credit card

To donate online via PayPal, debit or credit card, use the form below and click on the button “Give now”.
Select Payment Method
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Billing Details

Donation Total: $100.00